당신을 봅니다 I see you

작품 일련번호 MDLX-E79S-LSAF-SJ1V
출품 에이전시 아트불 insa
출품형식 표시 제시출품(단품)
출품자(작가) 등작 (dungzak) / Dungzak Cestlavie
작품분류 및 규격 평면작품
작품명 당신을 봅니다 I see you
작품재료 및 형식 watercolour engraving paper 100x70cm
제작년도 2023 년
작품가격 4,800,000 원
작가약력 Dungzak Cestlavie is a Korean artist born in 1976. He has held 26 solo exhibitions in Korea and abroad, including the exhibition on the outer wall of the Louvre Museum in France (2005). He is known for his works on the theme of light, and his works are praised for being bright and full of vitality.
Dungzak's works are characterized by their use of bold colors and their dynamic compositions. He often uses abstract forms to represent the human figure, and his works often explore themes of love, loss, and the passage of time. His work is known for its beauty, its power, and its ability to evoke a wide range of emotions in the viewer.