어디로 갈까요? Where shall we go?

작품 일련번호 FJBF-R2MC-JK88-TZ4N
출품 에이전시 아트불 insa
출품형식 표시 제시출품(단품)
출품자(작가) 등작(dungzak) / Dungzak Cestlavie
작품분류 및 규격 평면작품
작품명 어디로 갈까요? Where shall we go?
작품재료 및 형식 watercolour acrylic gouache pencil engraving paper
제작년도 2023 년
작품가격 4,800,000 원
작가약력 등작은 1976년생의 대한민국 화가입니다. 그는 빛과 색을 사용하여 순간의 느낌을 포착하는 것으로 유명합니다. 그의 작품은 종종 추상적이지만 종종 풍경과 인물에서 영감을 얻습니다. 등작의 그림은 종종 밝고 생생한 색상으로 채워져 있으며 빛과 그림자의 대조를 사용하는 것으로 유명합니다.
등작의 예술은 빛의 힘과 순간의 중요성에 대한 찬사입니다. 그의 그림은 보는 이에게 기쁨과 감동을 주도록 설계되었으며, 그가 예술을 통해 전달하고자 하는 메시지의 강력한 매개체입니다.

Dungzak is a South Korean artist who creates paintings, sculptures, and installations. His work often explores themes of identity, memory, and the passage of time. Dungzak's paintings are typically characterized by their bold colors and geometric shapes. He often uses repeated patterns and symbols to create a sense of rhythm and movement in his work. Dungzak's sculptures are often made from found objects and materials, which he transforms into abstract forms. His installations often incorporate sound and light to create immersive experiences for the viewer. Dungzak's work has been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in galleries and museums around the world. He has also participated in several international art fairs. Dungzak's work has been praised by critics for its originality, beauty, and power. He is considered to be one of the most important emerging artists working in South Korea today.
Here are some of Dungzak's most notable works:
* "The Korean Peninsula" (2022) is a large-scale painting that depicts the Korean Peninsula in a series of geometric shapes. The painting is a powerful statement about the division of the Korean Peninsula and the hope for reunification.
* "Flower" (2021) is a small-scale painting that depicts a single flower in a vase. The painting is a celebration of the beauty of nature and the fleeting nature of life.
* "Memory of music" (2021) is a large-scale installation that consists of a series of speakers playing different musical pieces. The installation is a meditation on the power of music to evoke memories and emotions.
* "Tellus" (2022) is a small-scale sculpture that depicts a globe made from found objects. The sculpture is a reminder of the interconnectedness of all life on Earth.
* "We are the Cosmos" (2022) is a large-scale installation that consists of a series of mirrors that reflect the viewer's image back at them. The installation is a reminder that we are all part of something larger than ourselves.
Dungzak is a talented artist who creates thought-provoking and visually stunning work. His work is sure to continue to be admired by art lovers around the world for years to come.